23 August 2009
For those of you who have been waiting to browse chairs and art as possible gift ideas, click here to see what we’ve added to our “unofficial registries.” A special prize to anyone who can tell which chair and art piece Jon likes best!
23 August 2009
We got the details settled, so now we can announce that we will have a free trolley at the ferry dock on Kelley’s Island to bring guests to the wedding location. So feel free to leave your car behind and walk on, but be sure to catch the 10am or 10:30am ferry from Marblehead.
We’ve arranged for the trolley to meet guests arriving at 10:30am and 11am. And, you can get a ride back too! We’ll have trolley’s leaving the wedding reception to deliver you back to the ferry at 3:30pm and 4:30pm.
If you need more details, just send us a note here and we’ll be happy to help.
20 August 2009
Believe it or not, preparations for your wedding meal have begun. That’s right, Jon got busy in the kitchen whipping up his secret recipe BBQ sauce that will be one of the three available for your tasty pulled pork sandwiches. Now he has me drinking a ton of fresh milk so he can get another glass container for round two.
6 August 2009
…a dog house, that is. This past weekend Jon and Josephine got out the power tools and built Jasper a home from scratch. It was a blast to see Josephine handling power tools for the first time. Next week, the deck and exterior painting are planned. I guess this is one way to celebrate getting invitations in the mail!
2 August 2009
Thanks to beautiful design help from my brother, speedy printing from our friends at Consolidated Graphics, and lots of handiwork from Josephine, Gabriella, and Jon addressing the envelopes, we were able to get the invitations in the mail as planned on August 1st. So keep an eye out for yours arriving soon and try to guess whose handwriting you have. Also, please be sure to include a song on the back of your response card and send it back soon so we can get our music list squared away. We have less than seven weeks to go…